Vegetable Music…

June 15, 2007 at 10:26 am | Posted in Aesoteric Blogs, Because I can., Humorous Vegetables, Is it Art?, Love Vegetables, Odd plants, vegetable videos, Vegetables | 3 Comments

Today a friend introduced me to the Vegetable Orchestra.

They are based in Vienna and play music on instruments constructed entirely from vegetables. They have even made a video…

The film shows members of the orchestra buying suitable vegetables in local supermarkets and markets, making them into instruments in the comfort of their own kitchens and then performing, live, to a packed theatre of fans. It seems they even make recordings…

Presumably, instruments which have outlived their usefulness are eaten.

The Vegetable Orchestra’s website can be found at:


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  1. […] Click here to visit Lovecarrots […]

  2. It’s very creative and I find it quite interesting, but I also think it’s so funny how they all seem to take it very seriously. The music isn’t actually that good…

  3. Ah Mr Kenny, you are spot on as usual.
    It sounds like the jungle at night to me, so I’m with you on that, but the fact they take it so seriously is what makes it so funny. With the best will in the world, playing music on vegetables is just not serious, is it and if you do take it seriously, you have to be a bit of a spud…? Then again, you only have to talk to some stand-up comics to realise how SERIOUSLY lots of people who should know better take comedy.
    This is where I really hope the irony of this blog is is obvious enough to the naked eye…
    Thank you for visiting.
    Mrs L Carrot.

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